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Launching a new campaign? Optimizing a multichannel program? We’ve got your back.

It’s no secret the direct marketing industry is competitive. As a DTC marketer, you know firsthand that having the right resources, strategy and partners can make or break your campaign. Below you’ll find our most valuable direct marketing e-books, filled with FREE advice, best practices and the data-driven strategy behind direct mail programs that deliver winning results.

2024 Direct Mail Marketing Benchmark Report

2024 Direct Mail Marketing Benchmark Report

Conducted annually, our direct mail marketing industry benchmark report provides an analysis of the current direct mail landscape, showcasing data collected from both B2B and B2C marketing leaders and consumers. The 2024 report shows that despite decreased mail volumes in 2023, confidence in direct mail persists due to its relevance, influence, and integration into omnichannel marketing strategies to combat digital ad fatigue. Read the full report for key insights on 2024 channel investments, overall performance, digital integration tactics, and consumer response to direct mail campaigns over the last year.

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What Consumers Want: The Dos and Don'ts of Direct Mail

Based on data and insights collected from a diverse group of 400 consumers across the United States, What Consumers Want: The Dos and Don’ts of Direct Mail is your essential guide to creating direct mail campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive results. The consumer preferences, response behaviors, and mail piece expectations found in this report will quickly teach you what works and what doesn’t, so your campaigns can continue to deliver mailbox magic in our device-driven world.

how to optimize direct email ebook

Optimizing Direct Mail for Performance, Profitability and Scale

In today’s era of direct marketing, direct mail success is driven by much more than a targeted list, pretty piece of creative, and convincing offer. This comprehensive guide reveals five strategic approaches that will propel your campaign performance to new heights, optimize data utilization for maximum impact, and promote long-term engagement.

e-book Cover Image: Direct Mail 101

Direct Mail 101: How to Grow and Scale with Direct Mail

The direct mail channel is trusted by seasoned B2C marketers throughout the industry for its ability to generate leads, increase e-commerce activity, and boost conversion rates. If you are looking to enter the channel or expand your existing program, this e-book delivers 7 short how-to guides to grow and scale your brand with direct mail. Plus, you will find oodles of checklists, best practices, and case studies to help you reach, convert, and retain your best audience.

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Why Direct Mail Delivers for DTC Brands

If your DTC brand is looking to grow, and not yet active in the mail channel, you might be unintentionally tying one arm behind your back. While digital and social media are being increasingly ignored, direct mail is getting noticed. Did you know 90% of mail is opened, and consumers hold onto their mail for an average of 17 days? Read this e-book to learn how DTC brands are winning with direct mail — and how you can, too.

Ultimate Guide to Direct Mail Attribution ebook Image

Ultimate Guide to Direct Mail Attribution

Ensuring reliable processes for tracking results, calculating incrementality and influencing attribution are key to realizing the full potential of the direct mail channel. The Ultimate Guide to Direct Mail Attribution will share best practices for tracking and measuring campaign performance, including matchback and holdout strategy, attribution reports and analysis, and modeling recommendations.

e-book Cover Image: Utilizing Direct Mail Creative to Alert and Convert

Utilizing Direct Mail Creative to Alert and Convert: Secrets from the Pros

Direct response and branding creative doesn’t have to be an either/or situation. You can create a favorable opportunity to gain brand recognition and increase sales, simultaneously. This e-book explores the relationship between branding and direct response, shares trade secrets and best practices from the industry’s best creatives, and provides valuable insights on how these two teams can work together to build a data-driven direct mail program destined for success.

The Growth Marketer’s Guide to Direct Mail

Learn how growing brands have leveraged the direct mail channel to reach thousands of prospective customers each month. In this e-book, we share 12 signs to determine if direct mail is right for your brand, unveil cost-effective testing strategies, and take a closer look at how two brands utilized this powerful acquisition tool to achieve tremendous growth.

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The Digital Marketer’s Guide to Integrated Direct Mail

Direct mail is tried and true as a performing and measurable form of direct marketing for DTC marketers, yet digitally grown brands are uncertain how to be leverage the offline channel for brand growth. In this e-book, we examine direct mail’s winning attributes and disclose best practices for developing an omnichannel strategy built for profitable growth and staggering scalability.

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Prospecting with Precision: Overcoming Digital Signal Loss

Marketers worldwide have been grappling with the challenge of translating pixel fires into real results. Now, a game-changing solution has emerged. This e-book is your one-stop shop for crafting a multichannel digital prospecting plan that delivers a real impact. With insights from top experts in the field, you’ll discover how to develop a powerful and effective digital prospecting strategy that will take your business to the next level.

PrediQtor ebook

Leveraging Customer Data for Direct Mail Success

In this free e-book, you will learn how to unlock the power of direct mail’s secret weapon: offline data. We break down the elements of prospect modeling success, share list building best practices, and uncover strategies that will help your brand optimize your direct mail program, faster. Plus, we reveal how a unique approach to modeling increased a brand’s sales by 133%!

9 Testing Mistakes Direct Mail Marketers Make ebook

9 Testing Mistakes Direct Mail Marketers Make

Whether you are a direct mail pro or novice, the ability to demonstrate each channel’s performance in your direct marketing strategy is critical. This e-book will help you identify and crush nine of the most overlooked — yet avoidable — direct mail testing mistakes to maximize your direct mail ROI quickly and efficiently.